How to get a car accident lawyer to help you recover car accident compensation?

Why it is important to hire a car accident attorney Motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in Oklahoma City and across Oklahoma County.  Many crashes are completely avoidable, caused by drunk drivers or distracted drivers.  Whatever the cause, car accidents are a major safety and economic issue for the Oklahoma City community.  A car accident that…

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Tire Safety for Safe Driving

Millions of people get into auto accidents each year. There are many, many possible causes. But one of the causes of accidents can be tires that blow out or fall off. TIRE SAFETY is something very few people think about, yet it is extremely important. As the advertising saying goes, “There’s a lot riding on your…

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Guide to Oklahoma Employee Rights

This article will provide a basic overview of Oklahoma employee rights. It’s important to know your rights as a worker so that you will know if your rights were violated. The rights provided under both federal and state laws are afforded to Oklahoma employees. You may want to consult with a labor attorney and employment…

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Large Workers Compensation Class Action Suits

One of the most well known, heavily publicized class action lawsuits brought by workers was actually never completed. Dukes Vs. Wal-Mart began in 2001 when employee Betty Dukes claimed sex discrimination. She insisted that she was denied training needed to advance to a higher paying position and not treated fairly in comparison with male workers….

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